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Adding a Proxy ARP Neighbour

Perform the steps given below to provision a new proxy ARP neighbour.

  1. Click Configuration > DCN > Proxy ARP Neighbour in the navigation pane. The Proxy ARP Neighbours configuration preview pane is displayed.
  2. Click on Add a new Proxy ARP Neighbour link. The Creating Proxy ARP Neigbhour preview pane is displayed.

    Creating Proxy ARP Neighbour

  3. Select or enter value for the parameters. For more information, refer to Creating Proxy ARP Neighbour parameters table given below.
  4. Click Submit. 'Successfully Created A Proxy ARP Neighbour' message is displayed. The proxy ARP neighbour is added.

Creating Proxy ARP Neighbour parameters



Default Value

Acceptable Value

Destination Network IP Address

The IP address of the destination network.


Any valid IP address of a node in the same subnet that is reachable from the gateway node.

Network Interface

The interface of the neighboring node. LAN-1-6 (Eth0) is the currently supported interface.

LAN-1-6 (ethnms)


See Also

Managing Proxy ARP Neighbour

View Proxy ARP Neighbour configuration

Deleting a Proxy ARP Neighbour