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Create new link design

This section describes how to create new link design. To create a new design, click on New Design button which is available at the top-right corner and the form will be displayed as shown in below figure. Following are the available parameters:

Form for configuring parameters for new link design

  1. Name of the Design: Provide name of the link engineering design.
  2. Design Type: Select the design type from the following:
  3. Attenuation: Provide the Attenuation (dB/km) value.
  4. Loss Margin: Provide the Loss Margin (dB) value.

    NOTE: Measured loss considered only when it is greater than (distance x attenuation)

  5. Fiber Dispersion: Provide the Fiber Dispersion value (ps/nm-km).
  6. After filling the form, click on Submit to save the design.

See also

Manual link design

Available buttons

List of available link engineering designs

Add data to upstream or downstream of design

Delete existing design

Restore link design

Duplicate existing design

Export existing design

Import existing design