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Booting the Switch

When the power is turned on with the local terminal already connected, the switch goes through Power-On Self-Test (POST). POST runs every time the switch is initialized and checks hardware components to determine if the switch is fully operational before completely booting. If a critical problem is detected, the program flow stops. If POST passes successfully, a valid executable image is loaded into RAM. POST messages are displayed on the terminal and indicate test success or failure.

To boot the switch, perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure that the serial cable is connected to the terminal.
  2. Connect the power supply to the switch.
  3. Power on the switch. As the switch boots, the bootup test first counts the switch memory availability and then continues to boot.
  4. During boot, you can use the Boot menu, if necessary, to run special procedures. To enter the Boot menu, press 2 within the first ten seconds after the following message appears.

    Select an option. If no selection in 10 seconds then operational code will start.

    1 - Start operational code.

    2 - Start Boot Menu.

    Select (1, 2):2

  5. If you do not start the boot menu, the operational code continues to load.

After the switch boots successfully, the User login prompt appears and you can use the local terminal to begin configuring the switch. However, before configuring the switch, make sure that the software version installed on the switch is the latest version. If it is not the latest version, download and install the latest version.

Boot Menu Functions

NOTE: Boot menu functions vary on different operating systems and platforms. The following example might not represent the options available on your platform.

You can perform many configuration tasks through the Boot menu, which can be invoked after the first part of the POST is completed. Use the following procedures to display the Boot menu:

  1. During the boot process, press 2 within ten seconds after the following message displays:

    Boot Menu Version: 12 jun 2007

    Select an option. If no selection in 10 seconds then operational code will start.

    1 - Start operational code.

    2 - Start Boot Menu.

    Select (1, 2):2

    Boot Menu Version: 12 jun 2007

    Options available

    1 - Start operational code

    2 - Change baud rate

    3 - Retrieve event log using XMODEM

    4 - Load new operational code using XMODEM

    5 - Load configuration using XMODEM

    6 - Display operational code vital product data

    7 - Run flash diagnostics

    8 - Update boot code

    9 - Delete operational code

    10 - Reset the system

    11 - Restore configuration to factory defaults (delete ;config files)

    12 - Activate Backup Image

    [Boot Menu]

The following sections describe the Boot menu options. If no selection is made within 10 seconds (default), the operational code starts.

Start Operational Code

Use option 1 to resume loading the operational code. To relaunch the boot process from the Boot menu:

  1. On the Boot menu, select 1 and press <Enter>.

    The following prompt displays:

    Operational Code Date: Thus Jun 8 12:51:44 2006


    50% 100%


    1 File: bootos.c Line: 462 Task: ffffe00 EC: 2863311530 (0xaaaaaaaa)

    (0 d 0 hrs 0 min 13 sec)

    Timebase: 24.750275 MHz, MEM: 99.001100 MHz, PCI: 33.000366 MHz, CPU: 198.002200 MHz

    PCI device BCM5675_A0 attached as unit 0.

    PCI device BCM5695_B0 attached as unit 1.

    PCI device BCM5695_B0 attached as unit 2.

    PCI device BCM5673_A1 attached as unit 3.

    PCI device BCM5673_A1 attached as unit 4.

    Adding BCM transport pointers

    Configuring CPUTRANS TX

    Configuring CPUTRANS RX

    st_state(0) = 0x0

    st_state(1) = 0x3

    st_state(2) = 0x2

Change Baud Rate

Use option 2 to change the baud rate of the serial interface. To change the baud rate from the Boot menu:

  1. On the Boot menu, select 2 and press <Enter>.

    The following prompt displays:

    [Boot Menu]2

    Select baud rate:

    1 - 1200

    2 - 2400

    3 - 4800

    4 - 9600

    5 - 19200

    6 - 38400

    7 - 57600

    8 - 115200

    0 - no change

    NOTE: The selected baud rate takes effect immediately.

  2. The boot-up process resumes.

Retrieve Event Log Using XMODEM

Use option 3 to retrieve the event log and download it to your ASCII terminal. To retrieve the event log from the Boot menu:

  1. On the Boot menu, select 3 and press <Enter>.

    The following prompt displays:

    [Boot Menu] 3

    Sending event log, start XMODEM receive.....

    File asciilog.bin Ready to SEND in binary mode

    Estimated File Size 169K, 1345 Sectors, 172032 Bytes

    Estimated transmission time 3 minutes 20 seconds

    Send several Control-X characters to cancel before transfer starts.

  2. The bootup process resumes.

Load New Operational Code Using XMODEM

Use option 4 when a new software version must be downloaded to replace corrupted files, update, or upgrade the system software. To download software from the Boot menu:

  1. On the Boot menu, select 4 and press <Enter>.

    The following prompt displays:

    [Boot Menu] 4

    Ready to receive the file with XMODEM/CRC....

    Ready to RECEIVE File xcode.bin in binary mode

    Send several Control-X characters to cancel before transfer starts.

  2. When using HyperTerminal, click Transfer on the HyperTerminal menu bar.
  3. From the Transfer menu, click Send File.

    The Send File window displays.

  4. Enter the file path for the file to be downloaded.
  5. Make sure the protocol is defined as XMODEM.
  6. Click Send.

The software is downloaded. Software downloading takes several minutes. The terminal emulation application, such as HyperTerminal, may display the loading process progress.

After software downloads, the switch reboots automatically.

Load Configuration Using XMODEM

Use option 5 when a new configuration file must be downloaded to replace the saved system configuration file. To download software from the Boot menu:

  1. On the Boot menu, select 5 and press <Enter>.

    The following prompt displays.

    [Boot Menu] 4 Ready to receive the file with XMODEM/CRC.... Ready to RECEIVE File tempcfg.bin in binary mode Send several Control-X characters to cancel before transfer starts.

  2. When using HyperTerminal, click Transfer on the HyperTerminal menu bar.
  3. From the Transfer menu, click Send File.

    The Send File window displays.

  4. Enter the file path for the file to be downloaded.
  5. Make sure the protocol is defined as XMODEM.
  6. Click Send.

The configuration file is downloaded. The terminal emulation application, such as HyperTerminal, may display the loading process progress.

Display Operational Code Vital Product Data

Use option 6 to view boot image information. To display boot image information from the Boot menu:

  1. On the Boot menu, select 6 and press <Enter>.

    The following prompt displays:

    [Boot Menu] 6

    The following image is in the Flash File System:


    CRC............................................0xb017 (45079)

    Target Device..................................0x00508541

    Size...........................................0x8ec50c (9356556)

    Number of Components...........................2

    Operational Code Size..........................0x7ec048 (8306760)

    Operational Code Offset........................0x74 (116)

    Operational Code FLASH flag....................1

    Operational Code CRC...........................0x9B4D

    Boot Code Version..............................1

    Boot Code Size.................................0x100000 (1048576)

    Boot Code Offset...............................0x7ec0bc (8306876)

    Boot Code FLASH flag...........................0

    Boot Code CRC..................................0x1CB8

    VPD - rel 0 ver 31 maint_lvl 0

    Timestamp - Thu Jun 8 12:51:44 2006

    File - pc62xxr0v31.stk[Boot Menu]

  2. The bootup process resumes.

Run Flash Diagnostics

Use option 7 to run flash diagnostics. User action is confirmed with a Y/N question before executing the command. To perform a complete test of the flash memory from the Boot menu:

  1. On the Boot menu, select 6 and press <Enter>.

    The following prompt displays:

    [Boot Menu] 7

    Do you wish to run flash diagnostics? (Boot code region will not be tested.) (y/n): y

    Input number of diagnostic iterations -> 1

    Testing 2 x 28F128J3 base: 0xfe000000

    Iterations remaining = 1

    Erasing sector 0

    Verify sector 0 erased

    Writing sector 0

    Erasing sector 1

    Verify sector 1 erased

    Writing sector 1

    Erasing sector 2

    Verify sector 2 erased

    Writing sector 2

    Erasing sector 3

    Verify sector 3 erased

    Writing sector 3

    Erasing sector 4

    Verify sector 4 erased

    Writing sector 4

    Erasing sector 5

    Verify sector 5 erased

    Writing sector 5

    Erasing sector 6

    Verify sector 6 erased

    Writing sector 6

    NOTE: This process runs until all sectors have been erased, verified erased, and written.

    Flash Diagnostics passed

    [Boot Menu]

  2. The bootup process resumes.

Update Boot Code

Use option 8 to update the boot code in the flash memory. This option is only valid after loading new boot code using Boot Menu option 4. User action is confirmed with a Y/N question before executing the command. To download software from the Boot menu:

  1. On the Boot menu, select 8 and press <Enter>.

    The following prompt displays:

    Do you wish to update Boot Code? (y/n) y

    Erasing Boot Flash.....Done.

    Wrote 0x10000 bytes.

    Wrote 0x20000 bytes.

    Wrote 0x30000 bytes.

    Wrote 0x40000 bytes.

    Wrote 0x50000 bytes.

    Wrote 0x60000 bytes.

    Boot code updated

  2. The bootup process resumes.

Delete Operational Code

Use option 9 to delete the active image from the flash memory. User action is confirmed with a Y/N question before executing the command. To delete the backup image from the Boot menu:

  1. On the Boot menu, select 8 and press <Enter>.

    The following prompt displays:

    Are you SURE you want to delete operational code : image2 ? (y/n):y

    Operational code deleted...

    [Boot Menu]

  2. The bootup process resumes.

Reset the System

Use option 10 to clear all flash and reset the system to its default setting. User action is confirmed with a Y/N question before executing the command. To reset the system from the Boot menu:

  1. On the Boot menu, select 10 and press <Enter>.

    The following prompt displays:

    [Boot Menu] 10

    Are you SURE you want to reset the system? (y/n):y

    Boot code......

    SDRAM 256

    Boot Menu Version: Oct 20 2004

    Select an option. If no selection in 10 seconds then operational code will start.

    1 - Start operational code.

    2 - Start Boot Menu.

    Select (1, 2):2

  2. The bootup process resumes.

Restore Configuration To Factory Defaults (Delete Configuration Files)

Use option 11 to load using the system default configuration and to boot without using the current startup configuration. Selecting 11 from the Boot Menu restores system defaults. Boot Sequence can then be started by selecting 1 from the Boot Menu. To download software from the Boot menu:

  1. On the Boot menu, select 11 and press <Enter>.

    The following prompt displays:

    Are you SURE you want to delete the configuration? (y/n):y

  2. The bootup process resumes.

Activate Backup Image

Use option 12 to activate the backup image. The active image becomes the backup when this option is selected. To activate the backup image:

  1. From the Boot menu, select 12 and press <Enter>.

    The following message displays:

    Backup image - image2 activated.

  2. The bootup process resumes.

See Also

Getting Started

Connecting the Switch to the Network

Understanding the User Interfaces