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Product overview - TJ1600 Type-11SR

The TJ1600 Type-11SR is a 9 RU high, half-depth, multi-slot product (9 service slots in addition to 2 cross-connect card slots), supporting redundancy of cross-connect fabric, timing/synchronization subsystem, and control processor subsystem.

The TJ1600 Type-11SR with HCPXCC04 as the cross-connect card supports either 640G HO/ OTN or 900G OTN mode. With HCPXCC03 as the cross-connect card, it supports 340G HO mode.

The traffic Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) cards carrying SDH and OTN traffic can interwork by creating a virtual cross-connect fabric over the active backplane. This also can accommodate standalone Ethernet switching cards which can also be used in meshed configuration over the backplane. The same traffic cards can be used as transponder and muxponder configurations in which the traffic does not flow in the backplane but is localised to the traffic cards only.

The TJ1600 Type-11SR is also supported with OSMC01 controller card. OSMC01 (Optical Shelf Management Controller) performs Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC) processing up to 100Mbps, control path processing and timing functions.

The configuration is primarily used as Packet Optical Transport Platform (POTP) and as the Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) applications. For both the POTP and DWDM applications, common integrated and standalone additional DWDM optical elements such as Optical Fiber Amplifiers (OFA), optical Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Units (MDU), and Reconfigurable Optical Add Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) are used to transport and add/drop multichannel, high speed 10Gbps, 40Gbps and 100Gbps DWDM wavelengths. By multiplexing in the optical domain, up to 80 channels at ITU-T 50GHz can be supported in a pair of fiber of all variety. Using various types of OFAs and advanced forward error correction codes (FEC), transmission distance up to 1000km can supported in the optical domain before electrical regeneration is required.

Front Panel

The following figure shows the front view of TJ1600 Type-11SR system:

TJ1600-11 system - Front panel

See also

TJ1600 introduction

Product overview-TJ1600 Type-6SR

Product Overview-TJ1600 Type-2SR

Product operating temperature specification

Physical dimension details

Card Overview