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Book Contents

Book Index

Content organization

This document is organized as follows:



Getting Started with Node Application

Node user interface enables the user to provision and monitor the node parameters. This chapter covers procedure for logging in and logging out from the node user interface; and setting up of the node.

Understanding the Node User Interface

This chapter gives information about different components of the node user interface.

Working with Node Slot View

This chapter covers the Node Slot View menu on node WUI, providing graphical representation of cards allotted to the chassis slots, description of card parameters and interpretation of visual indicators of cards from node UI.

Working with System Time

This chapter covers the System Time menu on node WUI, providing procedures for setting the node date, time, timezone, and nominating time server.

Working with Inventory Menu

This chapter covers the Inventory menu on node WUI, providing details of cards and form-factor pluggable present in the shelf; and card configuration procedures for the supported cards.

Working with Protection Menu

This chapter covers the Protection menu on node WUI, providing configuration procedures for different protection features supported on the node.

Working with Configuration Menu

This chapter covers the Configuration menu on node WUI, providing configuration procedures for the features available on the node.

Managing License

This chapter covers the License menu on node WUI, providing procedures on how to enable a licensed feature and view the licensed features enabled and/or failed on the node.

Managing Faults

This chapter covers the Faults menu on node WUI, providing details of the faults reported on the node. Alarms are raised to alert user about the fault conditions.

Understanding Profiles

This chapter covers the Profiles menu on node WUI. Profiles allow you to define the port behavior in the event of an alarm.

Performance Monitoring

This chapter covers the Performance menu on node WUI, allowing you to monitor port performance statistics by providing performance counters for all ports on the node.

Security Management

This chapter covers the Security menu on node WUI, providing details of the users and their privileges to access a node. The node provides four different user access groups namely ADMIN, OPERATOR, OPERATOR2, and USER.

Maintenance Operations

This chapter covers the Maintenance menu on node WUI, providing procedures for maintenance operations on the node.

See Also


Target audience


Using Tejas Product Documentation

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