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Viewing 1:N MSP Groups

To view 1:N MSP groups, click Protection > 1:N MSP groups in the navigation pane. The View 1:N MSP groups preview pane is displayed.

View 1:N MSP groups

View 1:N MSP groups parameters




Displays the name of the 1:N MSP group provisioned.

Working port

Displays the channels configured to carry the traffic under normal working conditions.

Protection port

Displays the channel configured to carry the traffic under protected (failure of any work channel) conditions.

Reversion mode

Displays the admin reversion mode of the 1:N MSP group as revertive. This mode enables automatic switching to the respective work channel from protect channel once the fault on that work channel is fixed.


Displays the Wait-To-Restore time interval value (in minutes) set for the 1:N MSP group.


Allows you to click on the link to issue external commands on the 1:N MSP group.

See Also

Managing 1:N MSP Groups

Executing External Commands on 1:N MSP Groups