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Viewing SNCP Protection

To view the provisioned SNCP, click Protection > Connections in the navigation pane. The Connections protection requests preview pane is displayed.

Connections protection requests

Connections protection requests



Filter Protected Connections

Working Port

Click on the drop-down option to select the working port based on which the protected connections are desired to be filtered.

Protected connections

Select all

Allows you to select the connection ID on which the external command has to be issued.


Displays the cross-connect elements with source in the beginning and then the destination.


Displays whether protection is provisioned for source or destination.

Working path

Displays the channel configured to carry the traffic under normal working conditions.

Protection path

Displays the channel configured to carry the traffic under protected (failure of work channel) conditions.

Protection status

Displays the active channel in which traffic is being currently carried.

Provisioned protection request

Displays the external command provisioned for the destination channel.

Switch Status

Displays the status of the protection switch in a destination channel.

See Also

Working with Connection Protection

Issuing External Commands