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Upgrading Software

Perform the steps given below to upgrade the software on the node.

  1. Click Maintenance > Upgrade Operations > Unified Upgrade in the navigation pane. The Software download preview pane is displayed.

    Software download

  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Click Submit. 'Deliver release command accepted' message is displayed.

    Software download state pane at the bottom of the preview pane displays the Software download operation state as 'Delivering release' and Software download operation last executed as 'STARTED'. A Stop/Start Refresh button is provided to stop or start the refreshing of the Software download state pane.

  4. Click Maintenance > Upgrade Operations > Unified Upgrade in the navigation pane.

    Check the Software download operation state. A 'Delivered release' message is displayed. The Software download operation last executed is displayed as 'SUCCESSFUL'.

  5. Now, select the Software download operation as Check upgrade from the drop down list. Check upgrade step checks for the integrity of the build file downloaded.

    Check Upgrade

  6. Click Submit. Software download state pane displays the Software download operation state as 'Checking upgrade'.
  7. Click Maintenance > Upgrade Operations > Unified Upgrade in the navigation pane.

    Check the Software download operation state. A 'Checked Upgrade' message is displayed. The Software download operation last executed is displayed as 'SUCCESSFUL'.

  8. Now, select the Software download operation as Load upgrade from the drop down list. Load upgrade step loads the downloaded file into the upgrade directory from which the node will load the new files.

    Load Upgrade

  9. Click Submit.
  10. Click Maintenance > Upgrade Operations > Unified Upgrade in the navigation pane.

    Software download state pane displays the Software download operation state as 'Loaded upgrade' and Software download operation last executed as 'SUCCESSFUL'.

  11. Select the Software download operation as Invoke upgrade from the drop down list.

    Invoke upgrade step invokes the operating system to load the new file downloaded. This is done over a reboot. The Automatic FPGA Upgrade option enable the user to upgrade the software and the corresponding FPGA (the process is traffic affecting). However, only the software can be upgraded without automatically upgrading the FPGA. The user can then schedule the FPGA upgrade depending on the availability of the node down-time. The subsequent FPGA upgrade can be carried out by simply issuing a cold reboot to the node. Upgrade with Cold Reboot is the recommended procedure which performs the upgrade with a cold reboot. FPGA also gets upgraded.

    Invoke upgrade

  12. Click Submit. 'Invoke upgrade accepted. Rebooting the NE to invoke the new software...' message is displayed.

    NOTE: After step-12, the node will be unreachable for a maximum of 5-7 minutes.

  13. When the node comes up, log-in to the node application. For logging-in, refer the section Logging In/Out of the Node Application.
  14. Click Maintenance > Upgrade Operations > Unified Upgrade in the navigation pane. Software download state pane displays the Software download operation state as 'Invoked upgrade' and Software download operation last executed is displayed as 'SUCCESSFUL'.
  15. Select the Software download operation as Commit upgrade from the drop down list.

    Commit upgrade

  16. Click Submit to complete the upgrade process. This option allows the user to confirm that the upgrade has completed successfully.

Unified Upgrade parameters



Default Value

Acceptable Values

Software download operation

  • Retrieve release: Retrieves the current software version.
  • Retrieve state: Retrieves the current state of upgrade.
  • Retrieve space: Retrieves the free disk area in the partition meant for upgrade.
  • Deliver release from local machine: Retrieves files from local machine using HTTP.
  • Deliver release from remote machine: Retrieves files from remote machine using FTP.
  • Check release: Checks if the software is the correct software to be downloaded.

Deliver release from remote machine

  • Retrieve release
  • Retrieve state
  • Retrieve space
  • Deliver release from local machine
  • Deliver release from remote machine
  • Check release


User name of the system where the catalog.xml along with software, firmware resides.




The password of the system where the catalog.xml along with software, firmware resides.



IP Address

The IP address of the system where the catalog.xml along with software, firmware resides.



FTP port(Optional)

The FTP port number for establishing connection with system where the catalog.xml along with software, firmware resides.




The Directory where the catalog.xml along with software, firmware resides.



NOTE: Parameters namely Username, Password, IP Address, FTP port(Optional), and Directory are displayed only when the Software download operation is selected as 'Deliver release from remote machine'. For 'Deliver release from local machine', the FileName text field is displayed to enter the file name.

NOTE: Linux system has an inbuilt FTP server. On windows, the IIS server available with Windows can be used or any third party server such as 3Com server available at the following URL can be used:

See Also

Upgrade Operations

Downloading SSL Certificate

Upgrading Firmware