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Upgrading Firmware from Local Machine

Perform the steps given below to upgrade the firmware from local machine.

  1. Click Maintenance > Upgrade operations > Firmware. in the navigation pane. The Firmware download preview pane is displayed.
  2. Click on Download Firmware from local machine link. Firmware Download from Local Machine preview pane is displayed.

    Firmware Download from Local Machine

  3. Enter or browse for the Firmware file name and click Submit. The firmware is downloaded on to the cross-connect card.

NOTE: While upgrading firmware in the Primary cross-connect card, the firmware is downloaded to both the primary and the secondary cross-connect cards. The system is warm rebooted on successful download. Reboot will take approximately seven minutes. After the reboot primary and the secondary cross-connect cards will have the same firmware.

See Also

Upgrading Firmware

Upgrading Firmware from Remote Machine