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Provisioning Link Protection

Perform the steps given below to provision link protection group.

  1. Click Protection > Link Protection Group in the navigation pane. The View Link Protection Group preview pane is displayed.
  2. Click on Provision a new LinkProtectionGroup link. The Provision New LinkProtectionGroup preview pane is displayed.

    Provision New LinkProtectionGroup

  3. Select the desired parameters. For more information, refer to Link Protection Group parameters table given below.
  4. Click Create to provision the link protection. A confirmation message is displayed.
  5. Click Yes.

For Link Protection Groups created on Ethernet, only one Ethernet port (either work or protect) remains up and is treated as active. On detecting Link down on currently active port, the alternate port is enabled so that it can carry the traffic. All the protected VCGs that are associated with Ethernet Port through services will follow switchover on Ethernet Ports.

Link Protection Group parameters



Default Value

Acceptable Value

Work Card

Allows you to select the work card.


Any work card

Work Card Ports

Allows you to select the work ports. The ports listed will be from the above selected Work Card.


  • VCG port
  • Ethernet port
  • All ports

Protect Card

Allows you to select the protect card. The card type will be same as work card.


Any protect card

Protect Card Ports

Allows you to select the protect ports. The ports listed will be from the above selected protect card


  • VCG port
  • Ethernet port
  • All ports

Link Protection Type

Allows you to select the protection type CCM/LACP/AdminDown for Ethernet ports. For VCG ports, by default AdminDown will be selected.



External Command

Displays the external command provisioned for the destination traffic.

  • ext_cmd_clear: Executes Clear command. This command releases the previously applied external command. Link Protection Group remains in previous state (Work or Protect) until the next event occurs.
  • ext_cmd_lockout: Executes Lockout Protection command. This command has the highest priority; it clears existing external command and prevents any further switching of the Link Protection Group in Work state. If the Link Protection Group in Protect state, it will be brought to Work internally before the command is being applied. This command is persistent across reboot.
  • ext_cmd_FS: Forced Switch: This command unconditionally switches Link Protection Group to Protect irrespective of whether Protect card is operational or not. This command is persistent across reboot.
  • ext_cmd_MS_to_protect: Executes Manual Switch To Protect command. This command switches Link Protection Group to Protect if Protect Card is operational. If Protect Card is not operational, Link Protection Group remains in Work state until Protect Card and port become operational. This command is persistent across reboot.
  • ext_cmd_MS_to_working: Manual Switch To Work: This command switches Link Protection Group to Work if Work Card is operational. If Work Card is not operational, Link Protection Group remains in Protect state until Work Card and port become operational.

NOTE: External commands are supported only on Link Protection Groups created on Ethernet ports.


  • ext_cmd_clear
  • ext_cmd_lockout
  • ext_cmd_FS
  • ext_cmd_MS_to_protect
  • ext_cmd_MS_to_working

Execution of external command on Ethernet port impacts protected VCG ports associated through service. On card jack out (work or protect), all the Link Protection Groups created on ports and active on that card undergo switchover if no external commands that block the switchover is executed.

See Also

Managing Link Protection

Viewing Link Protection Groups