Following are the form parameters: a. Combined optical and electrical cards: By default, this option is selected. System provides optical and electrical values in the same chassis.
b. Separated optical and electrical cards: System provides different chassis for optical and electrical layer.
c. Separate work and protect: System provides different chassis for work and protect layers at both optical and electrical layers.
- Unused Slots Required: Allows the user to choose number of unused slots required in each and every chassis placed in the node.
- OSNR Margin(in dB): Allows user to add margin to the default OSNR values.
- Loss Margin(in dB): Allows user to add margin to the default loss. If loss margin is provided in the topology, it will be used while calculating margin otherwise the margin set in the parameter will be used.
- Connector Loss(in dB): Loss incurred by each connector in the link is provided in this parameter. Number of connectors from the topology is multiplied with connector loss to arrive at total connector loss for as link.
- Splice Loss( in dB): Loss incurred by each splice in the link is provided in this parameter. Number of splices from the topology is multiplied with splice loss to arrive at total splice loss for a link.
- Flex Support: Enables or disables flex grid network design. Once the flex grid network is enabled, RCA is performed( routing and channel assignment). It is a optional field. RCA is Finding a route with enough free spectrum to serve the required bandwidth for traffic demands.
- Account Non Linear Penalties: Enables or disables non linear penalties calculation in the design.
- Raman Amplifier: Enables or disables Raman amplifier placement in a link. For raman amplifier placement, raman amplifier should be enabled in both configuration and also in the network topology.
- Regeneration: Enables or disables regeneration for services. For a service to be regenerated, regeneration should be enabled in configuration and also in the network topology.
- Lambda Optimization: When Lambda optimization is enabled then lambdas which can be fit in one MDU will be assigned first to the services.
- SOL Design: By default EOL is designed for all the networks. If SOL design is enabled, both EOL and SOL designs will be designed. Check the check box if required.
- WSON Design: Enables or disables adding WSON licenses in BoM.