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Routing and wavelength assignment

Click on Planning option menu to view the list of drop-down options and click on Routing & Wavelength Assignment from the options list.

Page showing list of active RWA results

Performing RWA

This subsection describes how to perform RWA on a network. Following are the steps to perform RWA:

  1. To perform RWA on a network, click on New Task; a new form will appear.

    Following are the available parameters of a form:

    Routing and wavelength assignment

  2. Click on Submit, below page will be displayed.
  3. Click on Dashboard, this redirects to the Home page.
  4. RWA task will be created under Recent Tasks column in Home page.

    Home Page showing recent tasks column

  5. Once the RWA task is completed (100 percent.) Click on Completed Task button and list of all completed tasks appears.

    List of completed tasks

    Table showing list of all completed tasks. Following are the columns:

Table showing list of RWA results

This section describes table showing list of RWA results.

  1. Sl.No: Serial number is used to enumerate the list of RWA.
  2. Network Name: Displays the name of the network.
  3. Task Name: Displays name of the task.
  4. Configuration: Displays the configuration name.
  5. Total Lambda: Displays the total number of lambda in the network. It is based on what network design is selected.
  6. Used Lambda: Displays the total number of used lambda in the network.
  7. Actions: This column has maximum two buttons as listed below:

RWA result in excel format

This section describes results of RWA in excel format

Following are the excel sheets of RWA results:

  1. Service Routing Table sheet has 2 columns
  2. Node Details sheet has 5 columns
  3. Link Details sheet has 5 columns
  4. Lambda Scheme sheet: Has 2 columns. It displays the total number of lambda in the network. It is based on what network design is selected.
  5. Lambda Deficient Services: Services sheet has 3 columns
  6. OMS Utilisation: Details sheet has 6 columns

View RWA result

This section describes results of RWA. Following are the steps to view the RWA results:

  1. To view RWA result click on the View button; RWA result page appears.

    +RWA view result page

  2. Following are the tabs within the RWA result page:

See also


Network design