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Provisioning MSP 1:N Group

Perform the steps given below to provision 1:N MSP group.

  1. Click Configuration > 1:N MSP groups in the navigation pane. The View 1:N MSP groups preview pane is displayed.
  2. Click on Create MSP 1:N group link. The Provision port protection preview pane is displayed.

    Provision port protection- 1:N MSP group

  3. Depending on the number of work ports desired to add, click Add Work. Rows for selecting Working ports are added.
  4. Under the Value field for Working port, select a port from the drop down menu and a Line Number depending on the priority desired to assign to that working port.

    Repeat this step for other work ports added. Ensure to select the Line Number for each, else that work port will not be considered after submission of 1:N MSP group.

    Click on Del work if the user desires to delete any selected working port.

  5. Under the Value field for Protect port, select a port from the drop down menu. Line Number is not required to be selected for Protect port.
  6. Select values for other parameters as desired. For more information, refer Provision port protection parameters- 1:N MSP group table given below.
  7. Click Submit. A confirmation message is displayed.

    NOTE: If the selected work/protect port in 1:N MSP group belongs to HCPULine01 card, then a notification will be displayed that if those ports are chosen as a part of protection, they will not be Port Configurable. Proceed only if you are not going to change the Port Capacity of the configurable port.

  8. Click Yes. 'Successfully created the Port Protection Group' message is displayed.

Provision port protection parameters- 1:N MSP group



Default Value

Acceptable Values

Working port

The channel that carries the traffic under normal working conditions.



(where N is the slot number in which card is placed and M is the port number)

Protect port

The channel that carries the traffic under protected (failure of work channel) conditions.



(where N is the slot number in which card is placed and M is the port number)


Traffic is switched back to the working port after the WTR expiration.



WTR Time (minutes)

Allows you to select the time interval (in minutes) after which the traffic must switch back to work channel on rectification of work channel.


1 to 12 minutes

Line Number

Displays the priority of different work ports.


1 to 14

Add Work

Click on the button to add working ports to the port protection group. A maximum of 14 working ports can be added.

Del Work

Click on the button to delete the desired working port before submission.

NOTE: 1:N MSP cannot be provisioned in non-revertive mode. Since there are 'N' working paths, it is required to switch traffic on protect path back to its respective work path as soon as failure is cleared so that protect path can cater other work paths in the 1:N MSP group.

See Also

Working with 1:N MSP Groups

Viewing 1:N MSP Groups

Deleting 1:N MSP Groups