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Working with 1:N MSP Groups

This section details the viewing, creating, and deleting of 1:N MSP port protection groups.

1:N Multiplex Section Protection (MSP) is a port level protection in which there is a protection channel for a set of work channels. A maximum of 14 'Working ports' can be nominated for protection by a single 'Protecting port'. Each work port is assigned a priority level. The selection of work port for protection port will be based solely on the priority level in 1:N protection.

Optical signals are normally sent only over the work channels, with the protection channel being free until one of the work channel fails. At the receiving end, both signals are monitored independently for failures. The receiving equipment selects either the working or the protection signal. This selection is based on the switch initiation criteria such as the Loss of Signal (LOS), Loss of Frame (LOF) within an optical signal or a signal degrade (soft failure caused by a bit error ratio exceeding predefined value).

In This Section

Viewing 1:N MSP Groups

Provisioning MSP 1:N Group

Deleting 1:N MSP Groups

See Also


Managing MSP Groups

Working with MS-SP Ring

Configuring Squelch Table

Managing Cross-connects

Managing Overhead Tunnels

Provisioning Environmental Alarm Input

Configuring SNMP Traps


Managing Facilities

Managing NE Adjacency

Managing and Configuring DCN


Synchronizing the Node