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Deleting 1:N MSP Groups

The MSP group can be deleted only if there are no cross-connects or In Band Communication (IBC) interfaces (F2, F3 and F2F3) provisioned on the ports which make up the 1:N MSP group.

Perform the steps given below to delete a provisioned 1:N MSP group.

  1. Click Configuration > 1:N MSP groups in the navigation pane. The View 1:N MSP groups preview pane is displayed.
  2. Under the Delete field, select the check box against the 1:N MSP group desired to be deleted.
  3. Click Submit. A confirmation message is displayed.
  4. Click Yes. A success message is displayed.

See Also

Working with 1:N MSP Groups

Viewing 1:N MSP Groups

Provisioning MSP 1:N Group