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Viewing MSP Groups

Click Configuration > MSP groups in the navigation pane. The View MSP groups preview pane is displayed with details of the MSP provisioned by the user.

View MSP groups

View MSP groups parameters




Displays the name of the MSP group as a link. Click on the link to view the Protection provisioning details.

Working port

Displays the channel configured to carry the traffic under normal working conditions.

Protection port

Displays the channel configured to carry the traffic under protected (failure of work channel) conditions.

Reversion mode

Displays whether the MSP group is provisioned as revertive or non-revertive.

  • Revertive: This mode enables automatic switching to work channel from protect channel once the fault on work channel is fixed.
  • Non-Revertive: In this mode, traffic has to be manually switched from protect to work channel. Until traffic is manually switched back to work channel, traffic is carried on protect channel.

WTR Time

Displays the Wait-To-Restore time interval value (in minutes) in case of MSP group provisioned in revertive mode.

Current status

Displays the active channel in which traffic is currently being carried.

Protection switching mode

Displays whether the protection switching mode in the MSP group is provisioned as 1WAY or 2WAY.

  • 1WAY: Only the Head end node's receiver switches to the alternate receiver on receiving an alarm.
  • 2WAY: Both the head end and the tail end node's receiver switches to the alternate receiver on receiving an alarm.

Route Diversity

Displays whether the route diversity on MSP group is provisioned as Enable or Disable.

  • Enable: Allows the user to have two DCC links. The user can provision DCC on work and protect ports independently.
  • Disable: When disabled, the ports act dependently. The user can provision DCC link only on work port. Provisioning DCC link on protect port is not allowed.


Allows you to select the check box against desired MSP group for deletion.

See Also

Managing MSP Groups

Provisioning MSP Group

Editing MSP Group

Deleting MSP Groups