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Action Icons

The below admin operations can be performed from this page.

Edit Node

The Edit Node option in Node View page allows the user to edit the Node parameters. To edit a node, select the node and click .

Make changes as required. Click Save to save changes or Cancel to discard.

Delete Node

To delete a node, select the node and click select the alert and click .

Review the details and Select Confirm to delete or Cancel to cancel deletion.

Add to Maintenance

The user may want to subject certain resources to a maintenance state where Devices, equipment’sor servers are not polled and alarms are not raised.

To add a node, to maintenance, select the node and click .

There are four types of Maintenance, they are:


This type of maintenance is applicable for a one-time instance, and cannot be repeated. By default, “Non-Recurring” is selected from Recurrence dropdown.


This type of maintenance is applicable for adding resource(s) for maintenance, every day for specific time duration.


This type of maintenance is applicable for adding resource(s) for maintenance, once a week, on the specified day and time.


This type of maintenance is applicable for adding resource(s) for maintenance, once a month on the specified date and time.

Edit Maintenance

To view the resources, that are under maintenance, from the main menu select Configuration -> Maintenance. From this page, we can edit or delete the maintenance configuration.

To edit a resource’s maintenance, select the resource and click .

Delete Maintenance

From the Maintenance page, select the resource(s) that needs to be deleted and click .

Click Yes to confirm deletion or No to cancel.

NOTE: Though the Maintenance is page is accessible from ‘’Configuration’ menu, resource(s) could be added to maintenance only from the Node page. Refer Maintenance module for more details.

Add Node Tags

Tag is a simplified name, assigned for a group i.e.., a term assigned to devices/nodes, for purpose of identification or grouping. Tags are also helpful to ‘Filter’, while searching for a particular device(s). To add a tag, select a node and click .

An additional dialog box pops open. Type in the tags and click Add/Update.

The tag is seen in the Alias column for the selected node. To delete the tag/update, follow the below steps:

Select the Node, click to edit or delete the tags, and click Add/Update

Mask an Alarm

TJ5100-S generates alarms based on the breach of pre configured or customized thresholds and logs the occurrence of all such instances in events. The administrator/user can however choose to mask alarms for a device(s), which will stop the trigger of the alarm until unmasked.

To mask an alarm for a particular node, select the node and click .

A blue (masked alarm) icon appears next to the IP address.

NOTE: Masking an alarm does not stop the polling of the Node. Only the alarms are masked.

Unmask an Alarm

Unmasking an alarm would enable TJ5100-S to raise alarms, as configured. To unmask an alarm for a particular node, select the node and click .

The blue (masked alarm) icon disappears from the node.


Click to view advanced filter options - to filter Nodes using one or more of the below categories:

Type in the criteria to filter and click Apply filter.


Click to download the node information. The below Pop window pops up.

Select format. The download will start automatically.

See also

Nodes Inventory


My Neighbor




Physical Components

Panel View




Config History
