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Generic Thresholds

From the Settings page, click Generic Threshold.

This page lets the user to configure thresholds for statistics, which are generic across TJ5100-S.

There are some generic thresholds that are configured on TJ5100-S, by default. No changes can be made to these. However, it is possible to add new thresholds. To view Generic Thresholds, from the main menu, select Configuration - > Generic Thresholds.

Predefined thresholds are displayed here.

Add Generic Threshold

To add new Threshold, click Add

Once all the parameters are set, click Save to save the threshold that will be applied only after re-starting TJ5100-S. Select Save and Apply Existing to save the setting and apply immediately.

Thresholds can be edited or deleted using the action icons on the respective entry on the Generic Thresholds page.

Edit Generic Threshold

From the Generic Thresholds page, select the threshold (Other than the Default ones) and click . to edit the threshold.

Make changes, as required and click ‘Update’ to save the changes (applicable after restart) or ‘Update and Override Existing’ to update and override existing thresholds.

Delete Generic Threshold

From the Generic Thresholds page, select the threshold (Other than the Default ones) and click to delete the threshold.

Click Delete All Resources Configured To Threshold to confirm deletion of all resource configured to that threshold or click Delete Only Thresholds to confirm and delete only threshold.

See also


Schedule Reports

Dynamic Baselines


Advanced Resource Search

Page Preferences

Audit Trail

Active Users

AD/LDAP Configuration

License Details
