This section describes results of Network Design in the excel sheet. Following are the results of Network Design for RWA result in excel sheet.
Network Summary sheet has two columns as shown in below figure.
Network Name: Displays the network name.
Created By: Displays the login name.
Network Configuration: Displays the network configuration TPN.
Time Stamp: Displays the time stamp of the network.
APT Version: Displays the APT version.
Network Diagram sheet has network diagram as shown in below figure.
BOQ sheet has five columns as shown in below figure.
TPN: Displays the TPN.
Name: Displays the TPN name.
Description: Displays description of the TPN.
Count: Displays the number of count for the TPNs.
Unit Price: Displays the unit price for each TPN.
Total Price: Displays the total price.
BoM sheet as shown in below figure.
TPN: Displays the TPN name.
Unique Name: Displays the name of the device.
TPN Description: Displays description of the TPN.
Further columns display the number of count of each TPN at different nodes.
Bayface Diagram sheet as shown in below figure:
Power Consumption sheet has four columns as shown in below figure.
TPN: Displays the TPN name.
Unique Name: Displays the name of the device.
Description: Displays description of the TPN.
Power(watts): Displays the maximum power consumption of the card.
Regeneration Location sheet has two columns as shown in below figure.
Node Name: Displays the node name.
List of Services Regenerated: Displays the regenerated services.
NOTE: No regeneration occurred for the network example taken.
ILA Location sheet has two columns as shown in below figure.
Node Name: Displays the node name.
Node Type: Displays the node type.
NOTE: This sheet exists only when ILA sites are present in the network
Amplifier Location sheet has seven columns as shown in below figure.
Node/ Link Name: Displays the node or link name.
Amplifier Type: Displays the amplifier type.
Device ID: Displays device id.
Set Gain: Displays the set gain measured in dB.
Observed Gain: Displays the observed gain measured in dB.
Total I/P Power: Displays total input power measured in dBm.
Total O/P Power: Displays total output power measured in dBm.
Attenuator Location sheet has four columns as shown in below figure.
Node/ Link Name: Displays the node or link name.
Attenuator Type: Displays the amplifier type.
Device ID: Displays device id.
Attenuation: Displays the gain at each node or link measured in dB.
Optical Parameters Summary sheet has nineteen columns as shown in below figure.
Service ID: Displays the service ID name.
Wavelength: Displays the wavelength.
Line Rate: Displays the line rate measured in G.
Modulation Type: Displays the modulation type.
Bandwidth: Displays the bandwidth measured in GHz.
Direction: Displays uplink or downlink direction.
Source Node: Displays the source node.
Destination Node: Displays the destination node.
Distance: Displays the distance measured in km.
OSNR: Displays the OSNR value measured in dB.
Effective OSNR: Displays the effective OSNR measured in dB.
Link OSNR: Displays the link OSNR measured in dB.
Filtering Penalty: Displays the filtering penalty measured in dB.
Non-Linear Penalty: Displays the filtering penalty measured in dB.
PMD Penalty: Displays the PMD penalty in dB.
PMD: Displays the PMD measured in ps.
Received Power: Displays the received power measured in dBm.
Residual Dispersion: Displays the residual dispersion measured in ps/nm.
Feasibility: Displays the feasibility of service.
Node details sheet has six columns as shown in below figure.
Node Name: Simple and unique alphanumeric name.
Node Type: One of the supported node types: ROADM, FOADM, GTN and ILA.
Node Design: One of the abbreviations for the node design: A for Directional, D for Directionless, CA for Colorless Directional, CD for Colorless-Directionless, CDC for Colorless-Directionless-Contentionless and FOADM for Fixed-Optical-Add-Drop-Multiplexer.
Attenuation: Displays attenuation if a glass through node is given( Node type and Node design is GTN for glass through node).
Degree: Displays degree of the node.
Exclusion: Displays whether the node is excluded or not.
Topology table sheet has nine columns as shown in figure.
Source: Source node name, that is the node from where service is originating.
Destination: Destination node name, that is the node where service should terminate.
Distance: Distance between two nodes in kilometers.
Link: Link name must be unique between two nodes. It is used to identify multiple links between two nodes. Unique name can be given to each link also.
Fiber Type: G.652 ,G.653, G.654, G.655-LEAF and G.655-TW types are supported.
Connector loss: Measured in dB.
Splice loss: Measured in dB.
Loss (in dB): Measured loss in dB.
SRLG Info: SRLG stands for Shared Risk Link Group and this information identifies the set of links or edges that share the same conduit.
Service details sheet has twelve columns as shown in below figure.
Source: Source node name, that is, the node from where service is originating.
Destination: Destination node name, that is the node where service should terminate.
Service ID: Unique alphanumeric Service ID for each service, for example, S1, AB, etc.
Line Side Traffic: Displays line side traffic in Gbps.
Client Side Traffic: Displays client side traffic in Gbps.
Protection: Displays protection mode of the service. Protection can be 1, 1+1, 1+R, 1+1+R, 1+1+1, 1+1+F, 1+1+1+1.
Protection Design: Available options are DWDM, WSON.
Service Protection: Available options are ROADM, FPU, PSCM and Electrical Protection. It also supports mix and match of the service protection types.
Wavelength: Wavelength Displays wavelength used by the service.
Disjoint Services: List of service IDs which current service ID should not share a common link, edge, span.
Paths: Displays paths.
Destination list: Displays destination list.
For all the services it displays the following parameters with uplink and downlink data as shown in figure.
Node/Link name: Displays the node or link name.
Device name: Displays device name.
Device ID: Displays device id.
Input Power: Displays input power measured in dBm.
Input OSNR: Displays input OSNR measured in dB.
Input Dispersion: Displays input dispersion measured in ps/nm.
Output Power: Displays output power measured in dBm.
Output OSNR: Displays output OSNR measured in dB.
Output Dispersion: Displays output dispersion measured in ps/nm.
Input channel Power: Displays input channel power measured in dBm.
Input Noise Power: Displays input noise power measured in dBm.
Output channel Power: Displays output channel power measured in dBm.
Output Noise Power: Displays output noise power measured in dBm.