This section describes All service analysis. All service analysis involves steps of failing a link and node and detecting the impact on the services that are owing through the failed link and node. The following steps describe about the all service analysis for a network which is selected by a user:
To do All service analysis, click on Analysis option menu and select All Service Analysis, a form will be opened.
Select the RWA result from the drop-down list. In this example RWA of hexagon-network is selected from drop-down list.
Click on Submit.
Disable the link or node or both link and node by clicking left mouse button on both as shown in figure. In this example node C and link DE selected. Upon selection the node and link will have red bounding box signifying that the node and link is out of order or has failed.
Click on Run which is available at top-right corner and pop up will appear to show the paths and wavelengths of the all affected services as shown in figure above.
Pop up displays the list of the services with their respective paths and the wavelength number.
Click on Reset which is available at the top-right corner to clear.