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Node failure analysis

This section describes node failure analysis. Node failure analysis involves steps of failing a node and detecting the impact on the services that are owing through the failed node. The following steps describe the node failure analysis for a network which is selected by a user:

  1. Upload a topology as an excel file with the following sheets:
  2. Perform RWA. Refer Perform Network Design for RWA.
  3. To do node failure analysis, click on Analysis option menu and select Node Failure Analysis, a form will be opened.

    Node failure analysis

  4. Select the RWA result from the drop-down list.
  5. Select the service from the drop-down service list and click on Submit.

    There are two kinds in selecting the services:

    - Service which does not have disjoint service

    - Service which has disjoint service

Node failure analysis for a service without disjoint service

This section describes node failure analysis for a service without disjoint services. Following are the steps:

Node failure analysis for a service with disjoint service

This section describes node failure analysis for a service that has a condition to be disjoint with the different services. Following are the steps:

See also

Network analysis

Link failure analysis

All service analysis