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Restore network topology

Click on the Trash menu on the top right corner of GUI, next to <User Name>, to view the list of drop-down options and then click on Topologies to access list of all deleted network topologies. As shown in the figure.

Page showing list of all deleted network topology

To restore deleted network topology, click on Restore button; pop-up is displayed asking confirmation on restore action, if the network topology is to be restored, then click on Ok button. Corresponding network topology gets restored.

If there is no need to restore network topology, then click on Cancel button. Corresponding network topology does not get restored.

See also

Working with network topology

Accessing network topology

Available buttons

Showing list of active network topologies

Draw a network topology

Upload network topology

Download or export network topology

Delete network topology

Duplicate network topology

Change the name of the network topology

View the network topology

Network topology management