Perform the following steps to edit/modify the details of selected user:
Go to Security > User Management menu and click Manage Users option. Manage Users page is displayed.
Click All Users tab and select the desired user name.
Click (Edit User). Edit User window is displayed.
To edit details under Common Info, do the following steps:
Go to Common Info tab and edit the desired parameters. Editable parameters include primary and secondary email address, primary and secondary mobile numbers.
Click Next and go to next step for other parameter changes; or click Finish if the user modification is complete.
To edit details under NMS User, go to NMS User tab and do the following steps:
If the user desires to change to CNMS user, select CNMS User check box. Select the desired customer from the Select Customer(s) options and click Finish. User: <Login Name> Successfully Modified message is displayed. Click OK. The user modification is complete.
If the user desires to change the access duration of the temporary NMS user, select the Temporary User check box, click calender icon and change the Start Date and the End Date. Enter the Shift Start Time and Shift End Time as required.
If the user desires to change the session timeout, click Session Timeout drop-down and select the desired option.
For non CNMS user, select the desired profile(s) to be added to the NMS user from the Select Profile(s) options. Click Next and go to step 6 for other parameter changes; or click Finish if the user modification is complete.
To edit details under EMS User, do the following steps:
Go to EMS User tab and select the check box against the desired EMS. User can change profile, group, start and end time for the selected EMS.
Click Finish if the user modification is complete; or click Next and go to step 7 for other parameter changes (applicable if Radius is enabled).
To edit details under Node User, do the following steps:
Go to Node User tab and select the desired profile for the node user. Node User tab will be available only if Radius was enabled at the time of user creation.
Click Finish. User <Login Name> Successfully modified message is displayed.