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Provisioning New ManagementTrafficSource Entry

Perform the steps given below to provision new management Vlan interface.

  1. Click Configuration > DCN > Network interface in the navigation pane. The Network interface configuration preview pane is displayed.
  2. Click on Provision a new Management Vlan Interface ServiceSwitch-0-0-<switch_number> link. The Provision New ManagementTrafficSource Entry preview pane is displayed.

    Provision New ManagementTrafficSource Entry

  3. Select or enter value for the parameters. For more information, refer to the Provision New ManagementTrafficSource Entry table given below.
  4. Click Next. A "Successfully created ManagementTrafficSource Entry." message and the Edit Network interface preview pane is displayed.
  5. Select or enter value for the desired editable parameters. For more information, refer to Edit Network interface provisioning parameters table in the topic Editing Network interface provisioning.

    NOTE: Before clicking on Submit, the OSPF has to be enabled. By default, it will be disabled.

  6. Click Submit. A confirmation message is displayed.
  7. Click Accept Valid Modifications. A "Successfully Modified" message is displayed.

Provision New ManagementTrafficSource Entry parameters



Default Value

Acceptable Value


Allows you to select the Ethernet port.

ETH port

List of Ethernet ports and VCG ports


Allows you to enter the VLAN ID for the management interface.


1 to 4094

Broadcast Interface

Allows you to select the broadcast interface.


  • Disable
  • Enable

NOTE: If forwarding type is selected as routing, then the drop down options for Broadcast Interface will be Enable and Disable. When Broadcast interface is enabled, the two parameters (IP Address and Netmask Length) are displayed.

IP Address

This option is displayed only when the broadcast interface is selected as enable. Enter the IP address for the interface.


Any valid IP address

Netmask Length

This option is displayed only when the broadcast interface is selected as enable. Enter the netmask length.


0 to 32

NOTE: Only routing with broadcast interface disable is supported.

See Also

Managing and Configuring DCN

Viewing the Network Interfaces

Provisioning Embedded Communication Channels

Provisioning Management Channel

Provisioning General Communication Channel (GCC)

Editing Network interface provisioning

Delete Network Interfaces

Configuring External Management Interface

Static Route

Managing Proxy ARP Neighbour


Working with Serial Port