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Site Down Panel

This widget gives the information of number of devices/nodes down out of total number of available devices/nodes. It displays the information in a panel containing Title, Sub Title, Count of devices down to Total count of devices and Panel Color.

Site Down Panel

See also

Types of Widgets

Link Availability

Bandwidth Util Bar

Link Outage

SLA Breach

Link Down Panel/Interface Down Panel

Statistic Panel

Link Drill Down

Link Status Summary

Pie Chart

Donut Chart

Rose Chart

Funnel Chart

Gauge Chart

Line Chart

Area Chart

Bar Chart

Side by Side Bar Chart

Stack Bar Chart

Horizontal Bar Chart

Horizontal Side by Side Bar Chart

Horizontal Stack Chart

Link Aging Summary

Statistic Line Chart

Statistic Area Chart

Resource Status Summary

Alarms Count Panel

Event Count Panel

Event Count Line Chart

Event Count Stack Bar Chart

Alarm Count Line Chart

Alarm Count Stack Bar Chart

Syslog Count Line Chart

Syslog Count Stack Bar Chart

Traps Count Line Chart

Traps Count Stack Bar Chart

Statistic Value Panel

Status Drill Down

Alarm Status Summary

Alarm Dashboard

Status Panel

Site Availability

Site Outage

Device Drill Down

Node Status Summary

Vendor Inventory

Device Inventory

Node Aging Summary

Node Status Drill Down

Software Inventory

Summary Status

Image View

Topology View


Geo Map

Network Diagram

Network Diagram Status
