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Viewing Inventory Information

Use the Inventory Information page to display the switch Vital Product Data, which is stored in non-volatile memory at the factory. To display the inventory information, click System > Inventory Information page in the menu.

Inventory Information Fields



System Description

The product name of this switch.

Machine Type

The machine type of this switch.

Machine Model

The model within the machine type.

Serial Number

The unique serial number for this switch.

FRU Number

The field replaceable unit number.

Part Number

The manufacturing part number.

Maintenance Level

The identification of the hardware change level.


The two-octet code that identifies the manufacturer.

Burned In MAC Address

The burned-in universally administered MAC address of this switch.

Software Version

The release version.maintenance number of the code currently running on the switch.

Operating System

The operating system currently running on the switch.

Network Processing Device

Identifies the network processor hardware.

Additional Packages

A list of the optional software packages installed on the switch, if any.

Card Type

Displays the name of the card.

Serial Number

Displays the unique serial number of a specific module.

Part Number

Displays the PEC code of the product.

CFPGA Version

Displays the FPGA version of the node.

IO Card 1

Card Type

Displays the name of the card.

Serial Number

Displays the unique serial number of a specific module.

Part Number

Displays the PEC code of the product.

CFPGA Version

Displays the FPGA version of the node.

See Also

Configuring System Information

Viewing ARP Cache

Viewing the Dual Image Status

Viewing System Resources

Selecting the SDM Template

Defining General Device Information

System Clock


Configuring and Searching the Forwarding Database

Managing Logs

Configuring Email Alerts

Configuring and Viewing Device Slot Information

Configuring and Viewing Device Port Information

Configuring sFlow

Managing SNMP Traps

Managing the DHCP Server

Configuring Time Ranges

Configuring DNS

Configuring SNTP Settings

Configuring and Viewing ISDP Information

Link Local Protocol Filtering