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Working with FPU01 card

Fiber Protection Unit (HCPFPU01) card allows you to provide signal protection against optical fiber line failures. The card will switch to protection path on detecting loss of optical power or when it decreases below the set threshold.

In the FPU Card Information preview pane, you can:

Viewing Card Information

Perform the steps given below to view the HCPFPU01 card details.

  1. Click Inventory > Node inventory in the navigation pane. The Node Inventory preview pane is displayed. Click on the Slot 'number' corresponding to the HCPADP01 Card Label.


    Click System > Node slot view in the navigation pane. The Node slot view preview pane is displayed. Click on HCPADP01 card.

  2. On Optical Adapter Card preview pane, click on the SubSlot 'number' link corresponding to the HCPFPU01 Card Name. The FPU Card Information preview pane is displayed.

    FPU Card Information

Editing Card parameters and Issuing External Request

Perform the steps given below to set the HCPFPU01 card parameters and issue external request.

  1. Click Inventory > Node inventory in the navigation pane. The Node Inventory preview pane is displayed. Click on the Slot 'number' corresponding to the HCPADP01 Card Label.


    Click System > Node slot view in the navigation pane. The Node slot view preview pane is displayed. Click on HCPADP01 card.

  2. On Optical Adapter Card preview pane, click on the SubSlot 'number' link corresponding to the HCPFPU01 Card Name. The FPU Card Information preview pane is displayed.
  3. To edit the card parameters,
    1. Select or enter value for the parameters. For parameter description, the default and acceptable values supported refer to Protection Parameters table given below.
    2. Click Submit. A success message is displayed.
  4. To issue external request, click on the desired external request button. For more information, refer to the External Requests table given below.

Protection Parameters



Default Value

Acceptable Values

Work Power Threshold (dBm)

Enter the threshold value for power at Work port beyond which protection switching will happen.


Work threshold +/- hysteresis range should be between 2dB and -38dB

Work Hysteresis (dB)

Work hysteresis value will determine the switching of the signal back to Work path after the fault is restored i.e. Work threshold value +/- Work Hysteresis value.


Work threshold +/- hysteresis range should be between 2dB and -38dB

Protect Power Threshold (dBm)

Enter the threshold value for power at Protect port beyond which switching will happen.


Protect threshold +/- hysteresis range should be between 2dB and -38dB

Protect Hysteresis (dB)

Protect hysteresis value will determine the switching of the signal to Protect path i.e. Protect threshold value +/- Protect Hysteresis value.


Protect threshold +/- hysteresis range should be between 2dB and -38dB

Reversion Mode

Allows you to select the mode of reversion as:

  • Revertive: This mode enables automatic switching to work port from protect port, once the fault on work port is fixed.
  • Non-Revertive: In this mode, traffic has to be manually switched from protect to work port, even after the fault is cleared in the work path. Until traffic is manually switched back to work port, traffic is carried on protect port.


  • Non-Revertive
  • Revertive

WTRTime (minutes)

Enter the time interval (in minutes) after which the traffic must switch back to work channel upon rectification of work channel, when reversion mode is set as revertive.


1 to 12

Current Active Request

Displays the current request on the path.

No Request


Protection Status

Displays the active channel in which traffic is being currently carried.



External Requests




Clears previously set commands.

Locked Protection

Prevents traffic from switching to protect path.

Forced Switch to Protect

Forces signal to switch to the protect path.

Forced Switch to Working

Forces signal to switch to the work path.

See Also

Working With Inventory Menu

Viewing Node Inventory

Deleting Card Configurations

Deleting Pluggable Modules

Shelf Sub-menu

Rack Shelf Sub-menu


Viewing Laser Details

Viewing and Editing Laser Details

Viewing CFP Laser Details

Editing CFP Laser Details

Configuring HCPSLine01 Card

Configuring HCPULine01 Card

Configuring HCPSLine03 Card

Configuring HCPSLine08 Card

Configuring HCPSLine22 Card

Configuring CEF-5 Modes

Performing Forced Switch Over

Force Recovery on CEL-3 Card

Working with Optical Adapter Card

Working with Optical Fiber Amplifier Card