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Managing LLDP

The IEEE 802.1AB defined standard, Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), allows stations residing on an 802 LAN to advertise major capabilities and physical descriptions. This information is viewed by a network manager to identify system topology and detect bad configurations on the LAN.

LLDP is a one-way protocol; there are no request/response sequences. Information is advertised by stations implementing the transmit function, and is received and processed by stations implementing the receive function. The transmit and receive functions can be enabled/disabled separately per port. By default, both transmit and receive are disabled on all ports. The application is responsible for starting each transmit and receive state machine appropriately, based on the configured status and operational state of the port.

TejNOS-EN allows LLDP to have multiple LLDP neighbors per interface. The number of such neighbors is limited by the memory constraints. A product-specific constant defines the maximum number of neighbors supported by the switch. There is no restriction on the number of neighbors supported on a per LLDP port. If all the remote entries on the switch are filled up, the new neighbors are ignored. In case of multiple VOIP devices on a single interface, the 802.1ab component sends the Voice VLAN configuration to all the VoIP devices.

Global Configuration

Use the LLDP Global Configuration page to specify LLDP parameters that are applied to the switch.

To display the LLDP Global Configuration page, click Switching > LLDP > Global Configuration in the navigation menu.

LLDP Global Configuration

LLDP Global Configuration Fields



Transmit Interval

Specifies the interval at which LLDP frames are transmitted. The default is 30 seconds, and the valid range is 1-32768 seconds.

Transmit Hold Multiplier

Specifies multiplier on the transmit interval to assign to TTL. The default is 4, and the range is 2-10.

Re-Initialization Delay

Specifies the delay before a re-initialization. The default is 2 seconds, and the range is 1-10 seconds.

Notification Interval

Limits the transmission of notifications. The default is 5 seconds, and the range is 5-3600 seconds.

If you make any changes to the page, click Submit to apply the new settings to the system.

Interface Configuration

Use the LLDP Interface Configuration page to specify LLDP parameters that are applied to a specific interface.

To display the LLDP Interface Configuration page, click Switching > LLDP > Interface Configuration in the navigation menu.

LLDP Interface Configuration

LLDP Interface Configuration Fields




Specifies the port to be affected by these parameters.


Enables or disables the transmission of LLDP protocol data units (PDUs). The default is disabled.


Enables or disables the ability of the port to receive LLDP PDUs. The default is disabled.


When notifications are enabled, LLDP interacts with the Trap Manager to notify subscribers of remote data change statistics. The default is disabled.

Transmit Management Information

Select the check box to enable the transmission of management address instance. Clear the check box to disable management information transmission. The default is disabled.

Optional TLV(s)

Select each check box next to the type‐length value (TLV) information to transmit. Choices include:

  • System Name. To include system name TLV in LLDP frames.
  • System Description. To include system description TLV in LLDP frames.
  • System Capabilities. To include system capability TLV in LLDP frames.
  • Port Description. To include port description TLV in LLDP frames.

If you make any changes to the page, click Submit to apply the new settings to the system.

Interface Summary

Use the LLDP Interface Summary page to view the LLDP parameters configured on each physical port on the system.

To display the LLDP Interface Summary page, click Switching > LLDP > Interface Summary in the navigation menu.

LLDP Interface Summary

LLDP Interface Summary Fields




Displays all the ports on which LLDP‐802.1AB can be configured.

Link Status

Displays whether the link status of the ports is up or down.


Displays the LLDP-802.1AB transmit mode of the interface.


Displays the LLDP-802.1AB receive mode of the interface.


Displays the LLDP-802.1AB notification mode of the interface.

Optional TLV(s)

Shows the LLDP‐802.1AB optional type‐length values (TLV) that are included. If no TVLs are sent, the entry is blank. The field can contain one or more of the following TVLs.

  • System Name
  • System Capabilities
  • System Description
  • Port Description

Transmit Management Information

Shows whether the management address is transmitted in the LLDP frames.

To update the page with the latest data, click Refresh.


Use the LLDP Statistics page to view the global and interface LLDP statistics.

To display the LLDP Statistics page, click Switching > LLDP > Statistics in the navigation menu.

LLDP Statistics

LLDP Statistics Fields



System-wide Statistics

Last Update

Displays the time when an entry was created, modified, or deleted in the tables associated with the remote systems.

Total Inserts

Displays the number of times a complete set of information advertised by a particular MAC Service Access Point (MSAP) has been inserted into the tables associated with the remote systems.

Total Deletes

Displays the number of times a complete set of information advertised by a particular MAC Service Access Point (MSAP) has been deleted from the tables associated with the remote systems.

Total Drops

Displays the number of times a complete set of information advertised by a particular MAC Service Access Point (MSAP) could not be entered into tables associated with the remote systems because of insufficient resources.

Total Ageouts

Displays the number of times a complete set of information advertised by a particular MAC Service Access Point (MSAP) has been deleted from tables associated with the remote systems because the information timelines interval has expired.

Port Statistics


Identifies the interfaces.

Transmit Total

Displays the total number of LLDP frames transmitted by the LLDP agent on the corresponding port.

Receive Total

Displays the total number of valid LLDP frames received by the LLDP agent on the corresponding port, while the LLDP agent is enabled.


Displays the number of LLDP TLVs discarded for any reason by the LLDP agent on the corresponding port.


Displays the number of invalid LLDP frames received by the LLDP agent on the corresponding port, while the LLDP agent is enabled.


Displays the number of age-outs that occurred on a given port. An age-out is the number of times the complete set of information advertised by a particular MAC Service Access Point (MSAP) has been deleted from tables associated with remote entries because the information timeliness interval had expired.

TLV Discards

Displays the number of LLDP TLVs (Type, Length, Value sets) discarded for any reason by the LLDP agent on the corresponding port.

TLV Unknowns

Displays the number of LLDP TLVs received on the local ports which were not recognized by the LLDP agent on the corresponding port.


Displays the total number of LLDP-MED TLVs received on the local ports.

TLV 802.1

Displays the total number of LLDP TLVs received on the local ports which are of type 802.1.

TLV 802.3

Displays the total number of LLDP TLVs received on the local ports which are of type 802.3.

Local Device Information

Use the LLDP Local Device Information page to view the data that each port advertises through LLDP.

To display the LLDP Local Device Information page, click Switching > LLDP > Local Device Information in the navigation menu.

LLDP Local Device Information

LLDP Local Device Information Fields




Select from the list of all the ports on which LLDP-802.1AB frames can be transmitted.

Chassis ID Subtype

Displays the string that describes the source of the chassis identifier.

Chassis ID

Displays the string value used to identify the chassis component associated with the local system.

Port ID Subtype

Displays the string describing the source of the port identifier.

Port ID

Identifies the physical address of the port.

System Name

Displays the system name of the local system.

System Description

Displays the description of the selected port associated with the local system.

Port Description

Displays the user-defined description of the port.

System Capabilities Supported

Displays the system capabilities of the local system.

System Capabilities Enabled

Displays the system capabilities of the local system which are supported and enabled.

Management Address

Displays the advertised management address of the local system.

Management Address Type

Specifies the type of the management address.

Click Refresh to update the information on the screen with the most current data.

Local Device Summary

Use the LLDP Local Device Summary page to view information about all interfaces on the device that are enabled to transmit LLDP information.

To display the LLDP Local Device Summary page, click Switching > LLDP > Local Device Summary in the navigation menu.

LLDP Local Device Summary

LLDP Local Device Summary Columns




Displays the interface on which LLDP-802.1AB frames can be transmitted.

Port ID

Displays the string describing the source of the port identifier.

Port Description

Displays the description of the port associated with the local system.

Click Refresh to update the information on the screen with the most current data.

Remote Device Information

Use the LLDP Remote Device Information page to view the data that a specified interface has received from other LLDP-enabled systems.

To display the LLDP Remote Device Information page, click Switching > LLDP > Remote Device Information in the navigation menu.

LLDP Remote Device Information

LLDP Remote Device Information Fields



Local Interface

Select the interface on the local system to display the LLDP information it has received.

NOTE: If no LLDP data has been received on the select interface, a message stating so displays. If the selected interface has received LLDP information from a remote device, the following fields are displayed.

Remote ID

Displays the remote client identifier assigned to the remote system.

Chassis ID Subtype

Identifies the type of data displayed in the Chassis ID field on the remote system.

Chassis ID

Identifies the chassis component associated with the remote system.

Port ID Subtype

Identifies the type of data displayed in the remote system’s Port ID field.

Port ID

Identifies the physical address of the port on the remote system from which the data was sent.

System Name

Identifies the system name of the remote system.

System Description

Displays the description of the selected port associated with the remote system.

Port Description

Displays the user-defined description of the port.

System Capabilities Supported

Displays the system capabilities of the remote system.

System Capabilities Enabled

Displays the system capabilities of the remote system which are supported and enabled.

Time to Live

Displays the Time to Live value in seconds of the received remote entry.

Management Address

Displays the advertised management address of the remote system.

Management Address Type

Displays the type of the management address.

Click Refresh to update the information on the screen with the most current data.

Remote Device Summary

Use the LLDP Remote Device Summary page to view information about all interfaces on the device that are enabled to transmit LLDP information.

To display the LLDP Remote Device Summary page, click Switching > LLDP > Remote Device Summary in the navigation menu.

LLDP Remote Device Summary

LLDP Remote Device Summary Columns



Local Interface

Shows the interface on the local system that can receive LLDP frames advertised by a remote system.

Chassis ID

Identifies the chassis component associated with the remote system.

Port ID

Identifies the physical address of the port on the remote device that sent the LLDP data.

Remote ID

Shows the remote client identifier assigned to the remote system.

System Name

Shows the system name of the remote device. If the system name is not configured, the field is blank.

Click Refresh to update the information on the screen with the most current data.


The Link Layer Discovery Protocol-Media Endpoint Discovery (LLDP-MED) is an enhancement to LLDP that features:

LLDP-MED Global Configuration

Use this page to set global parameters for LLDP-MED operation. To display this page, click Switching > LLDP > LLDP-MED > Global Configuration in the navigation menu.

LLDP Global Configuration

LLDP Global Configuration Fields



Fast Start Repeat Count

Specifies the number of LLDP PDUs that will be transmitted when the protocol is enabled. The range is from (1 to 10). The default value is 3.

Device Class

Specifies local device's MED Classification. The following three represent the actual endpoints:

  • Class I Generic [IP Communication Controller etc.]
  • Class II Media [Conference Bridge etc.]
  • Class III Communication [IP Telephone etc.]

The fourth device is Network Connectivity Device, which is typically a LAN switch/ router, IEEE 802.1 bridge, IEEE 802.11 wireless access point, etc.

Click Submit to updated the switch. The changes take effect but will not be retained across a power cycle unless a save is performed.

LLDP-MED Interface Configuration

Use this page to enable LLDP-MED mode on an interface and configure its properties. To display this page, click Switching > LLDP > LLDP-MED > Interface Configuration in the navigation menu.

LLDP-MED Interface Configure

LLDP-MED Interface Configuration Fields




Selects the port that you want to configure LLDP-MED - 802.1AB on. You can select All to configure all interfaces on the DUT with the same properties. The Interface Configuration page will not be able to display the summary of ‘All’ interfaces. The summary of individual interfaces is visible from the Interface Configuration page. The Interface Configuration page for the ‘All’ option will always display the LLDP-MED mode and notification mode as ‘disabled’ and checkboxes for ‘Transmit TLVs’ will always be unchecked.


Enables or disables LLDP-MED mode for the selected interface. By enabling MED, you will be effectively enabling the transmit and receive function of LLDP.

Config Notification Mode

Enables or disables LLDP-MED topology change notification mode for the selected interface.

Transmit TLVs

Specifies which optional type length values (TLVs) in the LLDP‐MED will be transmitted in the LLDP PDUs frames for the selected interface:

  • MED Capabilities: Transmits the capabilities TLV in LLDP frames.
  • Network Policy: Transmits the network policy TLV in LLDP frames.
  • Location Identification: Transmits the location TLV in LLDP frames.
  • Extended Power via MDI - PSE: Transmits the extended PSE TLV in LLDP frames.
  • Extended Power through MDI - PD: Transmits the extended PD TLV in LLDP frames.
  • Inventory: Transmits the inventory TLV in LLDP frames.

Click Submit to send the updated configuration to the switch. These changes take effect immediately but will not be retained across a power cycle unless a save is performed.

LLDP-MED Interface Summary

This page lists each switch interface and its LLDP configuration status. To display this page, click Switching > LLDP > LLDP-MED > Interface Summary in the navigation menu.

LLDP-MED Interface Summary

LLDP-MED Interface Summary Fields




Specifies all the ports on which LLDP-MED can be configured.

Link Status

Specifies the link status of the ports as Up/Down.

MED Status

MED Status Specifies the transmit and/or receive LLDP-MED mode is enabled or disabled on this interface.

Operational Status

Specifies whether the interface will transmit TLVs.

Notification Status

Specifies the LLDP-MED topology notification mode of the interface.

Transmit TLVs

Specifies the LLDP-MED transmit TLV(s) that are included.

Click Refresh to update the page with the latest information from the router.

LLDP Local Device Information

This page displays information on LLPD-MED information advertised on the selected local interface. To display this page, click Switching > LLDP > LLDP-MED > Local Device Information in the navigation menu.

LLPD-MED Local Device Information

LLPD‐MED Local Device Information Fields




Select from the list of all the ports on which LLDP-MED frames can be transmitted.

Network Policy Information

Specifies if network policy TLV is present in the LLDP frames:

  • Media Application Type: Specifies the application type. Types of application types are unknown, voicesignaling, guestvoice, guestvoicesignalling, softphonevoice, videoconferencing, streammingvideo, vidoesignalling. Each application type that is received has the VLAN ID, priority, DSCP, tagged bit status and unknown bit status. A port may receive one or many such application types. This information is only displayed when a network policy TLV has been transmitted.
  • Vlan Id: Specifies the VLAN id associated with a particular policy type.
  • Priority: Specifies the priority associated with a particular policy type.
  • DSCP: Specifies the DSCP associated with a particular policy type.
  • Unknown Bit Status: Specifies the unknown bit associated with a particular policy type.
  • Tagged Bit Status: Specifies the tagged bit associated with a particular policy type.


Specifies the inventory TLV present in LLDP frames:

  • Hardware Revisions. Specifies hardware version.
  • Firmware Revisions. Specifies firmware version.
  • Software Revisions. Specifies software version.
  • Serial Number. Specifies serial number.
  • Manufacturer Name. Specifies manufacturer’s name.
  • Model Name. Specifies model name.
  • Asset ID. Specifies asset ID.

Location Information

Specifies if location TLV is present in LLDP frames:

  • Sub Type: Specifies type of location information.
  • Location Information: Specifies the location information as a string forgiven type of location ID.

Extended PoE

Specifies if local device is a PoE device.

  • Device Type - Specifies power device type.

Extended PoE PSE

Specifies if extended PSE TLV is present in LLDP frame:

  • Available: Specifies available power sourcing equipment's power value in tenths of watts on the port of local device.
  • Source: Specifies power source of this port.
  • Priority: Specifies PSE port power priority.

Extended PoE PD

Specifies if extended PD TLV is present in LLDP frame.

  • Required: Specifies required power device power value in tenths of watts on the port of local device.
  • Source: Specifies power source of this port.
  • Priority: Specifies PD port power priority.

Click Refresh to update the page with the latest information from the router.

LLDP-MED Remote Device Information

This page displays information on LLPD-MED information received from remote clients on the selected local interface. To display this page, click Switching > LLDP > LLDP-MED > Remote Device Information in the navigation menu.

LLDP Remote Device Information-1

LLPD‐MED Local Device Information Fields



Local Interface

Specifies the list of all the ports on which LLDP-MED is enabled.

Remote ID

Specifies the remote client identifier assigned to the remote system.

Capability Information

Specifies the supported and enabled capabilities that were received in MED TLV on this port:

  • Supported Capabilities: Specifies supported capabilities that were received in MED TLV on this port.
  • Enabled Capabilities: Specifies enabled capabilities that were received in MED TLV on this port.
  • Device Class: Specifies device class as advertised by the device remotely connected to the port.

Network Policy Information

Specifies if network policy TLV is received in the LLDP frames on this port:

  • Media Application Type: Specifies the application type. Types of application types are unknown, voicesignaling, guestvoice, guestvoicesignalling, softphonevoice, videoconferencing, streammingvideo, vidoesignalling. Each application type that is received has the VLAN ID, priority, DSCP, tagged bit status and unknown bit status. A port may receive one or many such application types. This information is displayed only when a network policy TLV has been received on this port.
  • Vlan ID: Specifies the VLAN ID associated with a particular policy type.
  • Priority: Specifies the priority associated with a particular policy type.
  • DSCP: Specifies the DSCP associated with a particular policy type.
  • Unknown Bit Status: Specifies the unknown bit associated with a particular policy type.
  • Tagged Bit Status: Specifies the tagged bit associated with a particular policy type.


Specifies the inventory TLV is received in LLDP frames on this port:

  • Hardware Revisions. Specifies hardware version of the remote device.
  • Firmware Revisions. Specifies firmware version of the remote device.
  • Software Revisions. Specifies software version of the remote device.
  • Serial Number. Specifies serial number of the remote device.
  • Manufacturer Name. Specifies manufacturer’s name of the remote device.
  • Model Name. Specifies model name of the remote device.
  • Asset ID. Specifies asset ID of the remote device.

Location Information

Specifies if location TLV is received in LLDP frames on this port.

  • Sub Type: Specifies type of location information.
  • Location Information: Specifies the location information as a string for given type of location ID.

Extended PoE

Specifies if remote device is a PoE device.

  • Device Type. Specifies the remote device’s PoE device type connected to this port.

Extended PoE PSE

Specifies if extended PSE TLV is received in LLDP frame on this port:

  • Available: Specifies the remote port’s power sourcing equipment's (PSE) power value in tenths of watts.
  • Source: Specifies the remote port’s PSE power source.
  • Priority: Specifies the remote port’s PSE power priority.

Extended PoE PD

Specifies if extended PD TLV is received in LLDP frame on this port.

  • Required: Specifies the remote port’s power device power requirement.
  • Source: Specifies the remote port’s PD power source.
  • Priority: Specifies the remote port’s PD power priority.

Click Refresh to update the page with the latest information from the router.

See Also

Configuring Switching Information

Configuring DHCP Snooping

Managing VLANs

Private VLANs

Double VLAN (DVLAN) Tunneling

Configuring Protected Ports

Managing Protocol-Based VLANs

Managing IP Subnet-Based VLANs

Managing MAC-Based VLANs

Voice VLAN Configuration

Creating MAC Filters

Configuring GARP

Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection

Configuring IGMP Snooping

Configuring IGMP Snooping Queriers

Configuring MLD Snooping

Configuring MLD Snooping Queriers

Creating Port Channels

Viewing Multicast Forwarding Database Information

Configuring Spanning Tree Protocol

Mapping 802.1p Priority

Configuring Port Security

Dot1ad Provider Bridging

Dot1ag Connectivity Fault Management (CFM)

Operations and Management

Priority-Based Flow Control


Multiple Registration Protocol Configuration